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OKIT Accounting API Key Documentation#

Version 1.0#

OKIT Accounting provides a feature that allows third-party applications to use OKIT ecosystem services (e.g. Sms server) via an API token. This document explains how to set up an API key and use it in a third party application. The following image shows the schematic workflow of “OKIT Operator” which is responsible for handling token requests. Everything is based on HTTP GET requests.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
api_key_example.png 21.8 kB 1 07-May-2020 10:25 moghaddam
okit_operator_api_key.png 39.3 kB 1 07-May-2020 10:25 moghaddam
« This particular version was published on 07-May-2020 10:19 by moghaddam.  
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