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The OKIT.WebMap.Api is an REST interface to an IoT database used by stationary, mobile and even automotive applications.

You will get details about the unterface at

The database will carry almost any kind of measurements. The main benefit is, that it stores all measurements with a tímestamp and a location.

Do distinguish the individual measurements, the measurements are sorted into distinct namespaces. You can have your own individual and confident namespaces per client. But some of the most common namespaces available on public applications are disclosed here under the de.okit. namespace.


Please refer also to the list of public namespaces.

The namespace concept builds the central combining spot for differen users and use-cases:

It allows IT developers to access databases via the namespace pattern. This pattern is known in a lot of languages like Java, JavaScript and so on. The concept refers to the domain name system and has been adopted in protocols like DNS, MQTT, IEC 81850, OPC UA and so on.
Automotive Engineers
Every namespace can refer to the respective _AUTOSAR_ variable name and can refer to some additional documentation here in the Wiki. This documentation is intended to wrap together dependencies and use-case samples, helping the engineer to quick start and carry on.
CAN Engineers
The nodes of our namespaces also refer to the position if this information on the CAN bus. It will provide enough information to generate the respective DBC code to read the CAN data.
Security and Safety Engineers
For every node in the namespaces the OKIT.WebMap.Api can provide additional information refering to the security and safety dependencies of the respective data point.

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« This particular version was published on 01-Dec-2023 16:28 by krause.  
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