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This page refers to the Phabricator software, hostet by [AgileAS|http://agileas.de].

This software is usually operated in a dedicated public or private instance.

!!!Getting Started

If you would like to have an introduction with your team, please come back to us. We would love to have a [Workshop|http://agileas.de/user-workshops/] on site with your team.

!!!Erste Schritte

Wenn Du mit deinem Team eine Einführung machen möchtest, wende Dich gern an uns. Wir freuen uns bei euch einen [Workshop|http://agileas.de/user-workshops/] zu machen.


; How to get access? : If your team leader or your IT department forwards you to us, we are looking forward to help you. Please give us a short message using the [support form|http://www.okit.de/de/support/anfrage.svn-repository.html]. We will send you the account data according to the security terms of your company.\\Some of our customers manage the accounts on their own. In that cases your team leader or the IT department of your company is the right one to ask.

; How to administrate my repository? : That is what we are for. Please give us a short mail. We will instandly help you to solve any task you like.

; Is it possible to restrict access to my repository? : Yes, that is the default. Normally only the accounts you want to have access to your repository. We also support IP limitations and operating the Subversion server inside a VPN based infrastructure. Almost anything is possible...

* [Getting Started]
* [Products]