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This page refers to the Bugzilla software, hostet by [AgileAS|http://agileas.de] at [https://bugzilla.okit.de/].

Usually this software is operated in a private cloud infrastructure.

!!!Getting Started

If you would like to have an introduction with your team, please come back to us. We would love to have a [Workshop|http://agileas.de/user-workshops/] on site with your team.

!!!Erste Schritte

Wenn Du mit deinem Team eine Einführung machen möchtest, wende Dich gern an uns. Wir freuen uns bei euch einen [Workshop|http://agileas.de/user-workshops/] zu machen.


Currently there are no frequently asked questions. Maybe the software is that easy to use... ;)

* [Getting Started]
* [Products]