-Table of Contents
This page refers to the Bugzilla software, hostet by AgileAS at https://bugzilla.okit.de/.Getting Started#
If you would like to have an introduction with your team, please come back to us. We would love to have a Workshop on site with your team.
Bugzilla is an open source ticket system.
It provides a very sophisticated project and user isolation and a very good integration into tools like for example Eclipse.
You may use the web interface to edit, control, search and evaluate your tickets as well as multiple IDE plug-ins and even simple email.
Bugzilla is highly configurable to meet your needs. You may invite your customers or even anonymous users to participate and collaborate in a safe and secure way.
Erste Schritte#
Wenn Du mit deinem Team eine Einführung machen möchtest, wende Dich gern an uns. Wir freuen uns bei euch einen Workshop zu machen.
Bugzilla ist ein Open Source Ticket-System.
Es verfügt über eine ausgeklügelte Projekt- und Benutzer-Isolation, sowie eine hervorragende Integration in Werkzeuge wie zum Beispiel Eclipse.
Bugzilla kann über sein Webinterface, IDE-Plugins und sogar E-Mail bedient und gesteuert werden.
Es ist hochgradig anpassungsfähig an beliebige Prozesse. Es kann in geschlossenen Teams genau so verwendet werden wie bei der Kollaboration mit Ihren Kunden oder sogar anonymen Anwendern.
- Is the ticket content secure?
- Yes, if you decide to have a non public project, only explicitly authorized people are allowed to access the contents of your tickets. Our Bugzilla installation is provided under a https URL. That means, all the communication between the server and the browser/client is being encrypted.
- Is it possible to provide public projects?
- Yes. If you decide to have a public project, anyone may register for a new account to enter and work on tickets of your project.
- Is it really for anymoymous users?
- You may decide to have you project public viewable. Then also anonymous user may browse the contents of your projects. That is great for open source projects to provide a searchable knowledge base. However, if someone wants to add contents and collaborate, a registration with an existing and valid email account is mandatory.
- Does it support anonymous web forms?
- Yes, we have some examples how to create an anonymous web form to enter contents for creating new tickets.
- Does it support e-mail?
- Yes. Bugzilla can be configured very detailed about what to send you emails for. You may also respond to emails and see that contents in your appropriate ticket.
- Does it support distinct groups of users in one company?
- Yes. You may create one role per group of users. Several different groups can be assigned to any a project. Users can be added explicitly or automatically per pattern to such groups. You may freely configure, what a distintct group of persons is allowed to do with tickets of a certain product.
- Is the space limited? Is the number of users limited?
- We prefer not to limit the space, the number of users or in any other way limit the usability of the system. However for useability we followed some limitation recomendations in regards to the size of attachments: We think a good ticket content does not require huge downloads. In fact, this never was an issue.
- Does it provide a taskboard view?
- Sorry, Bugzilla is a ticket system. If you need a Taskboard, please refer to the Taskboard offer. The ticket system primary to follow a certain work-flow in a very tide and efficient way. Taskboards are more intended to bring structure into loose and flexible organized projects. So, if this is the question, please first think of what your process is like. Feel free to contact us to determine the best matching solution.
- Does it provide evaluations?
- Yes. The reporting engine build into Bugzilla is perferct to analyze the status of your projects. Additionally we also created certain cross integrations with other tools. For example Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence (BI).