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This page (revision-6) was last changed on 18-Aug-2017 15:52 by Olaf Krause  

This page was created on 17-Feb-2017 14:57 by unknown

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At line 10 added 7 lines
Bugzilla is an open source ticket system.
It provides a very sophisticated project and user isolation and a very good integration into tools like for example Eclipse.
You may use the web interface to edit, control, search and evaluate your tickets as well as multiple IDE plug-ins and even simple email.
Bugzilla is highly configurable to meet your needs. You may invite your customers or even anonymous users to participate and collaborate in a safe and secure way.
At line 21 added 8 lines
Bugzilla ist ein Open Source Ticket-System.
Es verfügt über eine ausgeklügelte Projekt- und Benutzer-Isolation, sowie eine hervorragende Integration in Werkzeuge wie zum Beispiel Eclipse.
Bugzilla kann über sein Webinterface, IDE-Plugins und sogar E-Mail bedient und gesteuert werden.
Es ist hochgradig anpassungsfähig an beliebige Prozesse.
Es kann in geschlossenen Teams genau so verwendet werden wie bei der Kollaboration mit Ihren Kunden oder sogar anonymen Anwendern.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 18-Aug-2017 15:52 4.312 kB Olaf Krause to previous
5 18-Aug-2017 15:52 4.312 kB Olaf Krause to previous | to last
4 18-Aug-2017 15:27 1.673 kB Olaf Krause to previous | to last
3 17-Feb-2017 14:59 0.709 kB Olaf Krause to previous | to last
2 17-Feb-2017 14:59 0.709 kB Olaf Krause to previous | to last
1 17-Feb-2017 14:57 0.6 kB unknown to last
« This page (revision-6) was last changed on 18-Aug-2017 15:52 by Olaf Krause  
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